Wednesday, 21 February 2018



Here are some effective tips that will surely help you to concentrate while studying:

  • Find Your study Space – The choice of study space can affect your level of concentration. Choose a study environment with minimum distractions, clean, organized and good lightening, this will help reduce distractions. Especially for girls, don’t study in a room where there is a mirror. Nothing distracts a girl more than a mirror in front of her.
  • Turn off Your Cell Phone – Cell phones are the biggest distraction for today’s generation. Keeping it beside you will create an urge to check it every minute just to have a look at your timeline. Moreover, seeing the pictures of others make you feel that their life is more interesting than yours and hence you lose interest in studies.
  • Take Regular Breaks – Sitting for long hours in the same place makes you feel like you are studying, but the fact is, you will just sit idle and stare at the book. Go outside and take a brisk walk, it will make you to return to your task refreshed and recharged. You will now focus more creatively.
  • Eat Healthy – A healthy diet not only helps in concentration, but also have various benefits in your life. Eat food that is rich in all the necessary nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Avoid excessive intake of tea and coffee.
  • Set Goals And Reward Yourself – Set a time limit before you start, for example : “I will finish chapter 3 in half an hour”. By setting this goal your subconscious mind will focus on completing the task within the time. Moreover, set a reward for yourself every time you accomplish a goal.
  • Also, find out some tips that will improve your communication skills  and help you to communicate effectively in all aspects of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings and everything in between. You can never become super concentrated in your activities within a day. Keep practicing all the above mentioned tips and improve your concentration titan.


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